Christian Church
Our Identity
We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.
Our vision
To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice.
– Micah 6:8
– Micah 6:8
Our mission
To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps “to the ends of the earth.”
– Acts 1:8
– Acts 1:8
How to tell We're disciples

We practice unity and inclusion at the Lord's table.
All are welcome to the Lord’s Table for the sake of mission and for the sake of the world as the one family of God. Most congregations do this by celebrating communion every Sunday. That’s why we use a chalice as our logo.

We practice believer baptism.
A person makes the choice to follow God’s call rather than the choice being made for them as an infant. Baptism is the basis of membership in the Church and also a mark that every person is called to serve God – the idea of the “priesthood of all believers.”

We study scripture for ourselves.
We are called to study and read scripture for ourselves. Rather than having tests of faith and creedal statements, we critically and thoughtfully study scripture, taking into account the history and background – the context – in which it was written.

no creed but christ
We are a movement for Christian unity.
We honor our heritage as a movement for Christian unity by cooperating and partnering with other faith communities to work for bringing about wholeness – healing and justice – in the world. This is what it means to be “ecumenical.”
Our Confession
As members of the Christian Church,
We believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God, Savior and Lord of our lives.
The confession is used by many Disciples congregations in worship as an affirmation of the faith of the church throughout the ages – not as a “test of fellowship,” but as a statement of faith that identifies the Disciples’ commitment to and place within the universal and ecumenical church.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God, Savior and Lord of our lives.
The confession is used by many Disciples congregations in worship as an affirmation of the faith of the church throughout the ages – not as a “test of fellowship,” but as a statement of faith that identifies the Disciples’ commitment to and place within the universal and ecumenical church.